Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interesting Geneology

OK all you Ryan's, here's some interesting information that I discovered while I'm in the land of your ancestors. It has been reported that Samuel Hinckley is a common ancestor with Sarah Palin, The Bush Families, and current president Obama. Well he is also your ancestor. Here's how it goes and a couple of links to the documents.

Samuel Hinckley m. Sarah Soole
Susanna Hinckley m. Rev. Joseph Smith
Ichabod Smith m. Hannah Andrews
Thankful Smith m. Joseph Leigh
Ichabod Smith Leigh m. Anne Stout
Isaac Leigh m. Phoebe Sutphin
Samuel Leigh m. Sarah Pittenger
John Lowrie Leigh m. Louisa Catherine Leigh
John Morrell m. Catherine Estella Leigh
Arthur Ryan m. Bertha Morrell
John Ryan m. Dorothy Ryan

SAMUEL HINCKLEY.1 resided in Tenterden, Kent, England; a dissenter; Mr. Otis says, that on Mar. 14, 1634-5, to escape persecution and get out of England he took an oath that he conformed to the order and discipline of the English church; remarking that it was probably qualified by mental reservation; and that the sin consisted in compelling such men to take the oath, rather than in taking it. In March, 1635. Rev. Nathaniel Tilden, who in 1728 had purchased lands in Scituate, Mass., probably with a view for future homes for himself and friends; with Samuel Hinckley, George Lewes, and James Austin of Teuterden, and with other families, making a company of 102, including women, children and servants, sailed from Sandwich, Eng., in the ship Hercules; probably intending to join Rev. John Lathrope, who came to Scituate the previous year; and more than half the passengers of this voyage become inhabitants there. He brought his wife Sarah, and his four oldest children; and immediately after his arrival at Boston he went to Scituate; built a house there, which Mr. Lothrop calls No. 19; three of his fellow passengers also built a house there in 1635. viz.: William Hatch, No. 17, George Lewis, No. 18, and Nathaniel Tilden, No. 20. The street on which they built was called Kent street. He resided there until july 1640; and removed to Barnstable; bought land there of Rev. Joseph Hull, and had trouble about the title. The location of his home lot is well known. It was bounded on the west by Coggin's Pond and the land of James Hamlin;1 from which it is today separated by an ancient stone fence; and joined the land of his son, Gov. Thomas Hinckley on the south. The present County road passes south of this place. Near the pond, according to tradition he built his one story dwelling, with a thatched roof. He was one of the first that settled at West Barnstable, and owned the farm there occupied in 1862 by Levi L. Goodspeed. e known as the Otis farm. f Suckonesset, (Falmouth, MA) 1661. His 1st wife d. Ang. 18, 1656; m. 2d, Dec. 15, 1657, Bridget, widow of Robert Bodfish, of Sandwich, Mass. Mr. Otis remarks, that he never knew a Hinckley who was dishonest, lazy, or imprudent. Samuel Hinckley was not distinguished; but his name frequently appears on the Barnstable records as juror, surveyor of highways, etc. As a church member he does not appear intolerant, but from the fact that he was twice indicted forentertaining strangers--Quakers.--indicates that he was a liberal man. He d. Oct. 31, 1662; will Oct. 8, 1662.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Todd and Luba engagement video

My son Todd and his fiance Luba Grigoryev are engaged to be married next May. This was a video taken on the day of their engagement photo shoot. All the photos were taken in their San Marco neighborhood in Jacksonville.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mean Girls vs Good Citizenship Awards

I was thinking today about my granddaughter who is celebrating her 12th birthday. Initially my thoughts were worries for her and the scary world of the pre-teen. As a young girl one of the biggest suppossed threats is the dreaded "mean girl". Oh, if I could only spare her the trauma of dealing with these hormonal terrors. But sadly, that is impossible. This is a world she will have to navigate on her own. So, I can't protect her, but maybe I can encourage her to see past the nastiness.

As I was reflecting on my past childhood run-ins, I have the advantage of time and have been witness to some of the outcomes. I now know that the "mean girl's" lives have been mostly filled with chaos and disappointments. I believe that the ability to resist "meanness" will spare you from the heartbreaks suffered by the "mean" crowd. True love, professional success, and lifelong friendships will be the rewards of kindness. Ephesians 5:2 says And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Life will be more stable, secure, and happy because you show his love and goodness.

Sweet grandbaby, last week we were all so proud as we watched you receive your 6th grade citizenship award. Please look behind the act of the "mean girl", love her, pray for her, and don't try to be her or a part of her world. She has chosen a path that won't lead to happiness. You are lovely, kind, and generous, and good things are in store for you.